【同义词辨析】 2019-02-06 和善amiable-complaisant

amiable: implies having qualities that make one liked and easy to deal with: a travel club that attracts ~ types.     这是个强烈褒义词,美国高中生读了习近平的回信后,说习amiable亲和即亲切和蔼

good-natured: implies a cheerful willingness to please or to be helpful and sometimes to permit imposition: a ~ boy always willing to pitch in.   pitch in积极出手帮助to help vigorously,如本例

obliging: stresses a friendly readiness to be helpful or to accommodate to the wishes of others: our ~ innkeeper granted our request.     oblige的基本意思是帮助to help,nobles obliging贵族义务位高责任重the idea that people of a high social class should help and do things for others.   容易混淆词engaging令人喜欢的,如an engaging smile/novel迷人的微笑/吸引人的小说

complaisant: often implies passivity or a weakly amiable willingness to yield to others through a desire to please or to be agreeable: ~ people who only say what others want to hear.

amiable亲和: 指容易相处使人喜欢的性格,good-natured和善: 本性善良的希望使人愉快愿意帮助他人,obliging乐于助人: 友善地帮助他人或适应他人,complaisant殷勤讨好的: 表示希望使人愉快,但有被动软弱屈从的意思

记忆方法:1)首字母AGOC重组成A COG一份子<==和善   cog齿轮,比喻成大团体中的一份子Mr Lake was an important cog in the Republican campaign machine莱克先生是共和党竞选机器中一枚重要的螺丝钉(本意齿轮,中文习惯叫螺丝钉)

          2)和善的意思是希望别人愉快mean having the desire or disposition to please.